
Competition Act 2002 :

  Competition Act 2002 : all you need to know   Introduction Competition Act 2002, was enacted with the purpose of preventing adverse competitive practices prevailing in the market which have appreciable adverse effect on competition, to promote and sustain fair competition in the market and to protect the interest of the consumers and to ensure freedom of trade. It is the successor of MRTP (Monopolies and restrictive trade practices) Act, 1969, which was more conservative and less liberal, and was framed as per then scenario of Indian economy . chess representing Caption

Cost Of Capital : All you Need to Know

  COST OF CAPITAL MEANING The cost of capital is the rate of return that a firm must achieve on its investment projects in order to maintain its market value and attract investors. It includes the required rate of return on investments in equity, debt, and retained earnings. Failure to meet this expected return might cause a drop in the company's share value and, eventually, lower shareholder wealth. The cost of capital is essentially the minimal return that investors demand in exchange for   providing funding to the company, and it serves as a standard for evaluating new ventures. . According to various definitions by financial experts such as John J. Hampton, Solomon Ezra, James C. Van Horne, William, and Donaldson , the cost of capital represents the necessary rate of return that a firm must attain to increase its market value, the minimum required rate of earnings, or the cut-off rate for capital expenditure.   Assumptions The assumptions underlying t...